Ages 12-17

Download our Fall Schedule Here

Weekly Challenge 1: Find 30 minutes a day to spend seeking God. (Audio Link)

Weekly Challenge 2: Praise God every day and make a list of five things each day that you are thankful for!

Weekly Challenge 3: Hearing God’s Voice.
Schedule time every day this week, above any regular prayer time, just to hear God. Be still and ask Him to speak.
You are encouraged to ask your own questions but here are some suggestions:

  1. Lord, what do you want me to know about you?
  2. What do you love about me?
  3. How do you see me?
  4. What is your perspective on the situations in my life right now?
  5. Is there anything you want me to know or that you want me to do?
  6. What do you have in store for my future?
  7. What should I pray for?